Terms of Service

This legal notice governs the use of The Home Holiday website (hereinafter referred to as "The Home Holiday") provided by The Home Holiday studio sl (hereinafter referred to as "The Home Holiday") for internet users.
The Home Holiday is registered as:
Lusana Pty Ltd
23 Foster Street,
NSW, Australia 2010

By accepting this legal notice, the user acknowledges being aware of its terms and commits to comply with them. The Home Holiday does not guarantee the availability or future maintenance of the services accessible through the store. The Home Holiday reserves the right to interrupt, suspend, or permanently cancel this store at any time without providing compensation to users.

Electronic purchases made by users through this store are subject to the general terms of purchase (hereinafter referred to as the "general purchase terms"). These general purchase terms constitute the primary legal document of the purchase agreement and regulate the rights and obligations of users as clients of The Home Holiday. It is recommended that users carefully read these general purchase terms before making any purchases in our store. The Home Holiday may modify these general purchase terms at any time. However, such modifications will not affect any purchases made by users prior to the approval of the modifications, which will be governed by the general terms in effect at the time of those purchases. It is the user's responsibility to be familiar with the general purchase terms in effect at the beginning of the purchase process.

The general purchase terms and other documents related to the purchase agreement are available in English.

All content on the store, including but not limited to texts, photographs, graphics, images, icons, technology, software, links, and other audiovisual or sound content, as well as the graphic design and source codes (hereinafter referred to as the "content"), are the intellectual property of The Home Holiday or third parties. Users are not granted any exploitation rights recognized by current intellectual property regulations. However, during the time users are connected to the store, they may use the content to the extent necessary for browsing and only when the content is accessible in accordance with the rules stated in this legal notice. Once the user disconnects from our store, they will not retain any right to use the aforementioned content.

The trademarks, trade names, or distinctive signs are the property of The Home Holiday or third parties. Access to the store does not grant users any rights over these trademarks, trade names, and/or distinctive signs.

Users of the online store are obliged to use the store in accordance with the law and this legal notice. Users who fail to comply with the law or this legal notice will be held responsible to The Home Holiday or third parties for any damages caused as a result of their breach.
It is strictly prohibited to use the store for purposes that harm the goods or interests of The Home Holiday or in any way overload, damage, or disable the networks, servers, computer equipment (hardware), or software applications (software) of The Home Holiday or third parties.

Users of the store agree to use the content in accordance with the law, this legal notice, and any other applicable conditions, regulations, or instructions that may apply to certain services as provided in Clause 1.

Without limitation, users must refrain from:

Reproducing, copying, distributing, making available, publicly communicating, transforming, or modifying the content, except in cases authorized by law or expressly consented to by The Home Holiday or the owner of the exploitation rights, as applicable.
Reproducing or copying, for private use, any content that may be considered software or a database under current intellectual property legislation, as well as publicly communicating or making such content available to third parties, when such acts necessarily involve reproduction by the user or a third party.
Extracting and/or reusing all or a substantial part of the content of the store, as well as the databases made available by The Home Holiday to users.

In addition to the provisions of Clause 6 of this legal notice, certain services or requests within the store may require prior completion of user registration.

All information provided by the user through the store's forms must be accurate and true. Users guarantee the authenticity of all the communicated data and agree to keep the information up to date. Users will be solely responsible for any false or inaccurate statements made and for any damages caused to The Home Holiday or third parties as a result of the provided information.

Internet users or information service providers who wish to include links from their own web pages to The Home Holiday store must comply with the following conditions:

The link should only link to the home page or main page of the store and must not reproduce it in any way (inline links, copying texts, graphics, etc.). This does not apply to web 2.0 type interaction systems offered by the store to establish links.
It is prohibited to establish frames or frames of any kind that involve the store or allow the display of the content through internet addresses other than those of the store, in accordance with applicable legislation. It is also prohibited if such actions may cause confusion, deception, unfair imitation, or take advantage of The Home Holiday's brand reputation and prestige online, or if prohibited by current legislation.
The page introducing the link should not make any false, inaccurate, or incorrect statements about The Home Holiday or its partners, employees, members, or the quality of the services offered.
The page introducing the link should not express that The Home Holiday has given its consent for the insertion of the link, nor should it imply sponsorship, collaboration, verification, or supervision of the services by The Home Holiday unless expressly authorized.
The use of The Home Holiday's trademarks, trade names, or any other distinctive signs on the page introducing the link is prohibited, except in cases permitted by law or expressly authorized by The Home Holiday, and in such cases, a direct link to the store must be provided as stated in this clause.
The page introducing the link must comply with the law and should not contain or link to any content that is illegal, harmful, contrary to morals and good customs (e.g., pornographic, violent, racist), or inappropriate in relation to The Home Holiday's activity, place, content, and theme.
Accessing the store does not imply an obligation on the part of The Home Holiday to guarantee the absence of viruses, worms, or any other harmful computer elements ("malicious software" or "malware") during browsing. Users are responsible for having adequate tools to detect and disinfect harmful computer programs.
The Home Holiday is not responsible for damages caused to users' computer equipment or third parties' equipment due to acts of third parties during the provision of the store's services.

Accessing the store relies on services and supplies from third parties, including telecommunications networks, the reliability, quality, security, continuity, and functioning of which are beyond The Home Holiday's control. Therefore, services provided through the store may be suspended, canceled, or inaccessible without prior notification by The Home Holiday. However, if The Home Holiday permanently ceases to provide store services for any reason, it will make reasonable efforts to communicate this impact to registered users.

The Home Holiday is not responsible for damages or losses of any kind incurred by users due to failures or disconnections in the telecommunications networks that cause the suspension, cancellation, or interruption of the store's services.

The store may include links allowing users to access other internet pages and portals ("linked sites"). In such cases, The Home Holiday acts as a provider of intermediary services in accordance with applicable law and will only be responsible for the content and services provided on the linked sites if it has actual knowledge of their illegality and has not deactivated the links with due diligence. If a user believes that a linked site contains illegal or inappropriate content, they can communicate it to The Home Holiday as described in Clause 6 of this legal notice. However, such communication does not imply an obligation to remove the corresponding link.

The existence of linked sites does not imply any agreement with their owners or endorsment, promotion, or identification of The Home Holiday with the statements, content, or services provided on those sites.

The Home Holiday is not aware of the content and services provided on linked sites and therefore is not responsible for damages caused by their illegality, quality, outdatedness, unavailability, errors, or any other damages that are not directly attributable to The Home Holiday.

The store may allow users, registered or not, to post comments on products or express personal opinions or information. In such cases, The Home Holiday acts as a provider of hosting services in accordance with applicable law and is only responsible for the content uploaded by other users if it has actual knowledge of its illegality and has not removed it with due diligence. If a user believes that comments or content uploaded by others are illegal or inappropriate, they can communicate it to The Home Holiday as described in Clause 6 of this legal notice. However, such communication does not imply an obligation to remove the corresponding comments or content.

The existence of comments or content from third parties does not imply any agreement with their authors or endorsement, promotion, or identification of The Home Holiday with the statements or information provided.

The Home Holiday has implemented the legally required security measures to ensure the confidentiality and secrecy of users' personal data provided through the store. However, the transmission of such data via third-party telecommunications networks not controlled by The Home Holiday may pose risks. Additionally, the presence of malicious software on users' computers may result in the interception or retrieval of information without their knowledge.

The Home Holiday is not responsible for the lack of confidentiality of information transmitted through third-party telecommunications networks or for vulnerabilities in users' own equipment.

If a user or any other internet user becomes aware that linked sites or any other third-party service provided by The Home Holiday (e.g., user comments where allowed, etc.) is illegal, harmful, defamatory, violent, or contrary to morality, or if any information provided by users themselves through the store is considered to have similar qualities, they can contact The Home Holiday and include the following information:
Personal data of the caller: name, address, telephone number, and email address. This data will be processed solely to handle the request and will be incorporated into a file under The Home Holiday's responsibility for this purpose. Users have the right to access, rectify, cancel, and object to the data in accordance with the privacy policy. Failure to provide any of this data may result in the request not being answered, without prejudice to The Home Holiday's voluntary inquiries.
Description of the facts that indicate the illegality or inadequacy of the linked site.
In case of violations of rights, such as intellectual or industrial property, personal data of the owner of the infringed right if the communicator is not the rights holder, along with documentation proving the existence of the legally protected right or asset.
Explicit declaration that the information in the report is accurate.
Receiving such a communication does not imply, according to the provisions of applicable law, effective knowledge of the activities or content indicated by the communicator.

Users who want to learn about the processing of their data in the store can consult our privacy policy.

For any questions, suggestions, complaints, or inquiries about our online store, users can contact The Home Holiday's customer service through the following means:

Email: hi@thehomeholiday.com

The Home Holiday will respond to inquiries and resolve claims as soon as possible, and in any case, within 30 days.